How To Wash Your Wheels
How do you Clean Dirty Rims?
Your wheels and tyres are the only part of your car which touch the road surface, and are also connected to the brakes, so it should be no surprise they can get very dirty. Regular wheel and tyre cleaning makes your car look great and also makes it easier ongoing to remove contaminants.
Shake the Product and Apply
Shake the wheel cleaner well, then spray it onto the wheel and tyre. A soft bristle may be required for stubborn dirt and grime. Allow it so soak for the time recommended on the label – usually about 30 seconds.
Work on one wheel at a time as to never let the product dry on the wheel (unless it specifically says so in the instructions).

Let it Soak
Let the product sit for a minute or as listed on the bottle to soak into the caked on dirt and grime

Rinse and Dry Wheel
Rinse the wheel off thoroughly and dry it with a soft rag to prevent water spotting. If the wheel is really dirty, you might need to spray, scrub and rinse it again.
Once you’ve washed, rinsed and dried one wheel you can move onto the next.

Don’t Forget the Tyre Shine!
Finish the job off by applying an even layer of tyre shine across the face of the tyre. Refer to the dry time on the can/bottle before driving to ensure it doesn't flick up onto your paintwork.

- Choose a wheel cleaner that is appropriate for the type of wheels and finish you have. Or alternatively, choose one which suits all types – acid free is best!
- For ease of cleaning in the future and to prevent brake dust build up, you can use wheel protectant.
- Never spray wheel cleaner on a hot surface, otherwise it may stain the wheel.
- You may prefer to clean your wheels before washing the rest of your car, so that any splashes during wheel washing do not waste your hard work.
- Better yet, if you want a perfect finish, take the wheel off the vehilce to gain access to the inside of the wheel.
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